Tritom® is an ecosystem and integration platform developed by DataSpace Europe. As a Tritom user, you can develop data driven services as part of European networks.
We are building a meeting place for developers of data-based services and data holders, where data can be exchanged according to the rules agreed upon by the ecosystem.
The Tritom solution, which is the basis of the intermediation service, has been developed since 2016 and modified in accordance with the goals of the European data strategy and the regulations implementing the data strategy.
Tritom is based on the rulebook described in the European data strategy. The users of the service commit to the common rules of the ecosystem and thus the entire service follows the principles of a fair data economy. Tritom is compatible with European data economy operators (GAIA-X and IDSA) and supports generally accepted de facto standards for data processing.
The data transmitted in Tritom is not stored, but only transmitted. The transmitted data is subjected to technical encryption and decryption. The encryption method used by Tritom is the AES standard (The Advanced Encryption Standard).
Organizations agree on the form and editing of the data transmitted in Tritom. The service's modules have tools for describing the data to be transmitted and thus the possibility to support the reusability of the data. In Tritom, information is transferred only by consent. When consenting data usage, the purposes of usage and the role of the user of the data are clearly described. You can also remove consent, in which case the data will no longer be transmitted.